Suicidal behavior does not discriminate and can affect people of all ages and life situations, so it can appear at any stage of the life cycle. It is essential to promote prevention measures, raising awareness and talking about it.

In Catalonia, suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people aged 15 to 29. Moreover, statistics have shown a worrying increase since 2020. It is a complex, multifactorial and avoidable phenomenon, surrounded by taboos and stigmas and that seriously affect us as a community.

Internationally, 800,000 people die by suicide every year, that is, one every four seconds. In view of these alarming figures and in order to raise awareness of this scourge, often linked to mental illness, in 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) designated September 10 as International Suicide Prevention Day.

What induces suicide?

The social isolation brought about by the pandemic undoubtedly unleashed various mental disorders among the population, especially among young people. According to data from the Generalitat de Catalunya, in 2020 suicide attempts tripled among girls between 12 and 18 years of age, while in the case of boys this percentage grew by 10%.

Although suicides are usually linked to mental illness, in high-income countries, they also occur due to life stress situations such as economic problems, relationship breakdowns or chronic illnesses. In addition, experiencing conflicts, natural disasters, as well as violent situations, losses, isolation or discrimination increase attempts to take one's own life, as in the cases of refugees, migrants, prisoners, LGTBI+ people or those who suffer bullying.

How to prevent suicide in Catalonia?

First of all, it is necessary to talk about suicide, since suicide awareness is essential. It is also important to know where to seek help. There are resources and help lines available for those who suffer or are aware of risk situations. Here are some of the options:

024 Suicidal behavior hotline.

061 Salud Responde

900 925 555 Suicide Prevention Telephone - Barcelona City Council

679 33 33 63 - Emotional Support Chat for Young People

In addition, to prevent suicide, we can reinforce protective factors in ourselves and in the people we know. Fostering social relationships, especially face-to-face ones, and interpersonal communication is fundamental. Personal skills such as resilience, conflict management and effective communication can also be key to strengthening our mind and emotions.

Nor should we forget the survivors of suicide attempts or the relatives or friends of those who have taken their own lives. For this reason, one of the priorities of the Health Department will be to offer emotional support to these people through the public mental health and addictions network. To implement this initiative, that start in November, it has collaborated with the Department of Justice to obtain real-time suicide data from the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences.

Moreover, another of the measures to be carried out is to increase the publication of suicide prevention guides to reach the most vulnerable groups, so they will be distributed in universities, penitentiary centers and among minors under guardianship.

Let's remember that suicide is preventable, and achieving this starts with talking openly about them for support or offering to others. Together we can create a more compassionate and caring community where suicide prevention is a priority. We need to help spread awareness and break down stigmas so that no one has to fight that battle alone.


Juana Hidalgo

Responsible for Occupational Health Suara Cooperativa