Suara Cooperativa has approved a protocol that protects people from the LGTBI+ group against possible discrimination, aggression or harassment due to sexual orientation and gender identity while ensuring that their rights are guaranteed.

This protocol responds to Law 4/2023 of February 28 on the Reality of Effective Equality for Trans and LGTBI+ people, popularly known as the Trans Law. As set out in the legislation, companies must provide themselves with equality protocols that guarantee that people from this group will be protected against any discrimination, harassment or aggression within the workplace.

However, in the case of Suara Cooperativa, which works to support people in all walks of life, it still goes a step further and this protocol also includes both clients and entities or organizations of the public or private administration that they contract the services of the cooperative to manage a service; as well as the people served in each of these services.

Creation of a harassment attention commission

Within the framework of this protocol, the Harassment Attention Commission has been created: sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, made up of four people, it is the one that must determine how to act in in the event that there is a complaint of aggression, harassment or discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

In the event that a situation of these characteristics occurs in the workplace or in any service, the commission must meet within a maximum period of five days, after the complaint has been registered.

From here, an investigation file is opened and a process of evidence collection begins to find out what happened. This, which must last a maximum period of 15 days, includes interviews with the affected parties and people in the environment who may have witnessed the possible discrimination.

Once the investigation has been completed, the commission must determine whether there has been such a situation of violence due to gender identity or sexual orientation and, if so, what action is taken.

"The protocol is valid for four years. In addition, once a year the Commission will be responsible for reviewing it in case updates must be implemented"

On the other hand, all Suara Cooperativa employees will have to undergo mandatory training on the LGTBIQ+ protection plan so that they can know how to act in the event that they detect a case of discrimination, harassment or aggression due to sexual orientation or identity of gender in their work environment or in one of the services they manage.

"The approval of the LGTBI protocol will allow us to continue working to guarantee a safe space for all people who are part of the LGTBIQ+ group. It is important to make visible and know diversity, as well as all those actions that can discriminate, harass or harm the people who are part of the Cooperative", says Maria Parera, technician in the People area and member of the Attention Commission of 'Harassment.