How do you imagine life after the age of 65? This question is the one that motivated the launch of the project "Designing life after 65", recently completed, which has aimed to investigate how we plan and think about what our daily life will be like once we have passed this age.

Within the framework of this initiative, financed by the "Singulares" program of the Department of Business and Labor and developed in collaboration with Saluscoop and Ideas4Change, four working groups were organized at the offices of Suara Cooperativa in Barcelona, with the aim of defining the keys to successfully move towards the last plannable stage of our lives.

Each of these groups, made up of people between the ages of 55 and 65, discussed what worries, occupies or amuses them, as well as how they imagine life after the age of 65. As a result of the interest aroused by the topic and the good rapport among the participants, some very interesting ideas emerged in these workshops. At the beginning of this new stage, often marked by the onset of retirement, the most recurrent issues to explore are health concerns, the importance of social relationships or the transforming attitude we adopt in the face of life.

"What I take away from this experience is very important to be able to be part of it and, when you see how the format is organized, what comes to mind is brainstorming. Moreover, they are groups that spontaneously come up with things and you can say those things that you didn't even dare to think about," said Esther Ortega, a participant in the focus groups.

For his part, Javi Creus, the conference facilitator, emphasizes that "people feel active and want to feel useful, a member and accompanied, to do things as a team and feel unique in a diverse context".

The results of the project undoubtedly show that at this age, like everyone else, people over 65 also want to enjoy themselves, travel, have their leisure time, maintain relationships with friends and socialize, take care of themselves, as well as love and feel loved. And you, do you plan to live beyond the age of 65?