Victor Küppers, the renowned expert in personal development and positive psychology, recently conducted the conference "Living and Working with Joy" for the employees of Suara Cooperativa.

During the conference, Küppers expressed admiration for the work of the cooperative's employees, who deal with challenging situations, especially those working directly with individuals at risk of social exclusion or in vulnerable situations.

However, Küppers emphasized that the most important aspect is how we face these adversities. "If you want, you can choose your best attitude," Küppers assured before an audience of approximately 400 people who virtually attended his conference this Tuesday.

While it is true that there are moments when we must coexist with sadness, especially when facing a problem, he highlighted that we should not dwell on it or fall into a negative cycle. Therefore, he stressed that once this initial episode is overcome, we must learn to live life with joy and motivation.

"The best version and the worst version of ourselves are in our attitude," Küppers emphasized, adding that "positive psychology does not say that we always have to be happy; we also have the right to be angry or sad." However, he pointed out that this "mood is not infinite," offering different strategies to Suara Cooperative workers to approach life with joy and enthusiasm.

One of these strategies is accepting adversities and what is beyond our control, acknowledging that we cannot change certain circumstances. "What we can choose is our attitude, and we must always have the best attitude," Küppers stated, advocating for choosing to live with optimism, joy, enthusiasm, and hope while learning to coexist with frustration.

He also highlighted the importance of individuals having a humane quality and, therefore, always striving to act in the best way to help others. In this case, he cited the example of Suara Cooperative's workers, especially those who work daily in services where they have direct contact with people in vulnerable situations, contributing to their improved quality of life and well-being.

The renowned speaker concluded his conference with a maxim from Mother Teresa of Calcutta, which he claims to try to apply in his life: "Let no one ever come to you without leaving a little better and happier."

Küppers' talk is part of Suara Cooperative's program to enhance the psychological and physical well-being of its employees. Through this program, psychological, nutritional, financial, and physical support is provided in various areas such as physiotherapy, personal training, or relaxation through mindfulness techniques. Additionally, webinars, conferences, or talks are organized to provide tools to the workers.

El reconegut ponent va finalitzar la seva conferència amb una màxima de Maria Teresa de Calcuta que, assegura, intenta dur-la terme en la seva vida: “Que ningú no s'acosti mai a tu sense marxar una mica millor i més feliç”. 

La xerrada de Küppers s’emmarca en el programa que té Suara Cooperativa  per millorar el benestar psicològic i físic de les persones treballadores de l’organització. A través d’aquest, se’ls ofereix suport psicològic, nutricional, assessoria financera i físic en diversos àmbits: fisioterapeuta, entrenador personal o relaxació a través de tècniques de mindfulness. A més, també s’organitzen webinars, conferències o xerrades sempre orientades a oferir eines a les persones treballadores.